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HomeNewsInterviewsCross-border data compliance critical for Indian firms in global market, says Sathish J, Exterro

Cross-border data compliance critical for Indian firms in global market, says Sathish J, Exterro

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"As global data protection norms continue to evolve, it's imperative for Indian businesses to stay ahead of the curve to remain both competitive and compliant. Navigating the complex landscape of cross-border data transfer compliance requires a strategic approach supported by robust tools," said Sathish J, Director of Product Management Privacy at Exterro.

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In today's digital economy, data flows globally at an unprecedented scale, powering economies and enabling international business operations. For Indian enterprises, this means not only opportunities for global expansion but also significant compliance responsibilities to protect personal data across borders.

As Indian firms integrate into the global market, understanding and adhering to cross-border data transfer regulations become paramount to avoid legal pitfalls and maintain trust with international partners and customers, said a senior industry leader.

“As global norms continue to evolve, it's imperative for Indian businesses to stay ahead of the curve to remain both competitive and compliant. Navigating the complex landscape of cross-border data transfer compliance requires a strategic approach supported by robust tools,” said Sathish J, Director of Product Management Privacy, .

Edited Excerpts:

Can you help us understand what cross-border data transfer compliance is and its importance for Indian businesses?

Cross-border data transfers involve moving personal data from one country to another, a practice essential for businesses operating internationally, covering everything from cloud computing to global customer support. For Indian businesses, rapid digitisation and expansion into international markets underscore the importance of mastering cross-border data transfers. These businesses must adeptly navigate the diverse landscape of international data protection laws and the in India.

The variability of these laws introduces complex compliance issues. As Indian enterprises expand globally, the significance of robust data compliance management escalates. Organisations like ours assist companies worldwide with customised solutions tailored to the complexities of cross-border data transfer compliance. We ensure that businesses not only meet international data protection standards but also enhance their data governance practices through our comprehensive suite of tools.

The evolution of India's data localisation policies could significantly influence global digital diplomacy. Moving from strict data localisation to permitting certain cross-border data flows aligns India more closely with global digital trade norms, potentially enhancing its relationships with major markets like the US and EU.

India is proactively revising its legal frameworks to better address the intricacies of cross-border data transfers within the realm of , especially for businesses. The DPDPA regulations aim to balance the need for data protection with the operational requirements of digital commerce and governance.

For businesses operating in or with India, it is crucial to closely monitor these upcoming changes. The new regulations advocate for a more open digital economy but come with the necessity for stringent data protection measures. Companies must ensure that they only transfer personal data internationally in compliance with the notified conditions and maintain robust data protection practices to avoid heavy penalties for non-compliance.

How are global and current data protection regulations impacting Indian businesses?

For Indian businesses operating internationally, understanding global data protection laws is crucial for the legal and effective management of their operations. Laws like the GDPR affect any Indian business that processes the data of individuals within the EU or other regions with established data protection laws. Key elements include strict consent requirements, rights of data subjects, and severe penalties for non-compliance. While the enforcement of DPDPA is still being finalised, its anticipated introduction could significantly alter how Indian businesses approach data privacy. Inspired by the GDPR, this proposed bill aims to establish a comprehensive data protection framework within India.

Ensuring compliance with cross-border data transfer rules necessitates robust policies and procedures. Under the existing Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011, Indian entities are required to obtain consent from individuals before collecting and transferring their sensitive personal data. Moreover, this data may only be transferred to countries that provide an equivalent level of data protection.

One critical step towards compliance is understanding where data is stored and how it flows within and outside the organisation. Data Discovery and Mapping tools are invaluable for automating the identification and classification of personal and sensitive data across various environments. This technology is essential for creating precise data inventories, vital for complying with both international data protection laws and the DPDPA.

It seeks to refine the approach to cross-border data transfers, potentially allowing the transfer of personal data to certain government-specified countries under specific conditions. This change represents a more flexible and globally integrated strategy, likely to enhance international trade and data exchange while maintaining stringent data protection standards.

Data Risk Management platforms with inbuilt tools and features can support the performance of Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) and risk analyses. These tools are crucial for understanding the risks associated with data processing activities and for implementing mitigative measures, particularly in the context of cross-border data transfers. Although these assessments are recommended, and in some cases required under laws like the GDPR, they help organisations manage potential vulnerabilities effectively.

What is the legal mechanisms for safe data transfers?

Indian businesses engaging in cross-border data transfers have several mechanisms at their disposal to ensure these transfers are lawful:

  • Adequacy Decisions: Countries recognised by international entities as having adequate data protection laws facilitate smoother data transfers from the EU, as no additional safeguards are required.
  • Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs): SCCs are legal agreements ensuring that data transferred outside jurisdictions with robust data privacy laws are protected in accordance with those standards.
  • Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs): BCRs are internal policies adopted by multinational corporations that permit the transfer of personal data within the same corporate group across countries that may not have adequate data protection laws.

A Data Risk Management platform with Policy and Procedure Management Tools can aid businesses in creating, managing, and enforcing privacy policies and procedures that align with various international regulations. Such tools are crucial for ensuring consistent application of policies across all jurisdictions, which is vital for preventing breaches and ensuring compliance.

Furthermore, cross-border data transfers frequently necessitate robust e-discovery capabilities, particularly when addressing legal requests or litigation involving multiple countries. A Legal Hold and Compliance tool within such platforms can streamline the process of securing relevant data in accordance with legal holds. This minimises the risk of sanctions and legal disputes, an essential consideration for Indian companies facing litigation in jurisdictions with strict e-discovery requirements.

How can companies navigate challenges in data compliance?

Indian businesses may encounter several challenges when managing cross-border data transfers, including:

  • Regulatory Complexity: Navigating the diverse regulations across different jurisdictions can be challenging.
  • Data Security: Ensuring the security of data during transfer and storage is crucial to prevent breaches and maintain compliance.
  • Cost of Compliance: Implementing comprehensive data protection measures can be expensive, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

To effectively comply with complex international data protection laws, Indian businesses should adopt the following best practices:

  • Develop a Data Transfer Policy: Establish clear policies that dictate how data transfers are managed, ensuring compliance with both local and international regulations.
  • Data Mapping and Inventory: Maintain a detailed inventory of personal data to understand where it is stored and how it flows across borders. This is vital for compliance with laws like the GDPR, which demand a comprehensive understanding of data processes.
  • Invest in Privacy Technology: Leverage technology solutions that support data governance, such as automated data discovery and classification tools, to significantly boost compliance efforts.
  • Regular Compliance Audits: Conduct regular audits to maintain ongoing compliance and identify potential areas for improvement in data protection practices.

A robust Data Risk Management platform can be invaluable in all of this. Such a platform integrates legal, privacy, compliance, data governance, and cybersecurity functions into a cohesive framework. This integration is essential for managing the complexities associated with international data flows, ensuring that all facets of data governance align with legal and regulatory requirements.

How is embracing compliance can be a competitive advantage for business here in India?

For Indian enterprises, robust data protection practices go beyond being mere legal obligations; they are strategic assets. By adopting comprehensive privacy and data protection measures, businesses can significantly enhance their reputation, build customer trust, and unlock international opportunities. In the competitive landscape of global digital commerce, excelling in data compliance can distinctly set an Indian business apart from its competitors.

Through proactive measures and strategic planning, businesses can transform compliance into a cornerstone of their international success. Technology companies can empower Indian businesses with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complex realm of cross-border data transfer compliance.

Their solutions with an integrated, technology-driven framework can manage data privacy and compliance effectively. Leveraging these capabilities allows businesses to ensure that their cross-border data transfers comply with existing regulations and are also prepared for future legislative changes, both within India and globally.

How does comprehensive platforms designed to help manage compliance with the Indian DPDPA law as well as global laws would be helpful for Indian businesses?

Platforms specifically designed to manage compliance with the Indian DPDPA, as well as existing laws in other countries such as the US, UK, China, and Malaysia, would be incredibly beneficial for Indian businesses for several key reasons:

  • Complex Regulatory Requirements: The DPDPA introduces a range of obligations for data fiduciaries, including consent management, data processing standards, and individual rights to access, correct, and delete their data. A specialised compliance platform can automate these processes, ensuring consistency and legal compliance.
  • Cross-border Data Transfer Compliance: The DPDPA allows the transfer of personal data outside India, except to countries that are specifically blacklisted. A compliance tool can facilitate these transfers by automatically identifying and reacting to the legal status of countries, ensuring compliance with the DPDPA's specific requirements.
  • Data Localisation and Storage Requirements: Although the DPDPA has relaxed some previous data localisation mandates, managing data storage across multiple jurisdictions remains complex. A compliance tool can assist organisations in tracking where their data is stored and ensuring it complies with both Indian and applicable international laws.
  • Risk Management and Reporting: The DPDPA imposes severe penalties for non-compliance. A compliance tool can help mitigate these risks by ensuring full adherence to the law, providing audit trails, and enabling prompt reporting and response to potential data breaches.
  • Regular Updates and Adaptability: Data protection laws frequently change, and the Indian government may update the DPDPA or issue new guidelines. Compliance tools that receive regular updates can help businesses quickly adapt to these changes without needing to overhaul their internal processes each time.

Using such a platform like our Data Risk Management would not only ensure adherence to the DPDPA but also streamline processes, reduce risks, and maintain operational efficiency across multiple jurisdictions. This is particularly vital when navigating the complex and varied landscape of international data protection laws.

What is the future of cross-border data transfers compliance in India? 

As global data protection norms continue to evolve, it's imperative for Indian businesses to stay ahead of the curve to remain both competitive and compliant. Navigating the complex landscape of cross-border data transfer compliance requires a strategic approach supported by robust tools. The DPDPA will introduce new compliance requirements, presenting opportunities for businesses to enhance their data handling practices.

Equipped with the right technology and a proactive compliance strategy, Indian enterprises can transform the challenge of data compliance into a competitive advantage. This strategic approach will not only help in building trust with customers and partners worldwide but will also position these businesses as leaders in international data management and protection.

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Sanjay Singh
Sanjay Singh
Sanjay Singh covers startups, consumer electronics and telecom for
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