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Data Privacy Day 2018: Top 5 tips to protect your online privacy, security

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The exploitation of data is happening at a massive scale. So, like never before in the history, the data privacy is more relevant and important today

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Day 2018: Every year on January 28, world celebrates Data Privacy Day. Thanks to the 1981 signing of Europe's Convention 108 that legally binds countries to protect data and ensure privacy. However, with modern innovation in collaborative technology and platforms like Facebook, Google, Amazon taking the centre stage in society, the importance of data have become really critical for businesses. Today's technology world believe that ‘data is an asset and opportunity'. Therefore, the exploitation of data is happening at a massive scale. So, like never before in the history, the data privacy is more relevant and important today.

Trust me, the battle to secure and ensure privacy of your data is far more complex and daunting than one think of. Fortunately, over the last one year, there has been tremendous pressure on companies like Google and Facebook to step up their effort on and privacy. Also, legislation like General Data Protection Regulation () and recent judgement of India's Supreme Court (SC) that privacy is a fundamental right are legislation in right direction. However, one's privacy is in one's hand. How secure and private is your data and information is largely dependent on you – what you share online, how much you share online and do you follow best password practices like two factor authentication – that decides, how secure and private is your information? So, on , here's some easy guide to help you step up your security and privacy.

Data Privacy Day 2018 Guide for privacy and security

Use tough passwords

You should use tough passwords that can't be guessed as experts says that great passwords go a long way toward protecting information. Using obvious ones like, say, “password,” is like welcoming into your system. Long, random sets of uppercase, lowercase, and special characters are best. Change your passwords, at least once in 90 days and change it immediately, if your account has been compromised. Use the different password for multiple accounts.

Use two-factor authentication

Many in banking industry does not like 2FA, as they say, it is one of the main reason of transaction failure but trust me, this is one of the best of securing your account. Now, freely and easily available with all major online platform be it Google, Facebook among others. Basically, this requires you to enter a second form of identification—such as a code texted to your phone—before allowing access to your account.

Guard your online information

Guard your information. This is one of the toughest part because the basic principle of social media is to share and everybody wants to know that they have been liked or they are being watched or appreciated but in this process people share their lot of details. Many times, things they may not appreciated at later stage. The only way to guard your privacy on social media sites are share as less private information as possible. If possible, lock down your account to make your post and account visible to only people you want to share it with.

One should know that every time one say “Alexa” or “Hey, Google,” they are being recorded. Similarly apps on mobile, desktop and tab are collecting information. So, keep your privacy settings for both at levels you're comfortable with. And if you're no longer using an app, delete it.

Use original software, update it regularly

The hackers love loopholes in the system. They always look for it. The patch release by companies like Microsoft for windows and other services are the good of way fixing these loopholes, but if you don't update your system regularly or on time, you may become the target of hacker and you date could be compromised.

Talk about privacy in your family, with your kids

First of all, you should think before posting anything related to your family, because you never know what can go against you or may be your own kid will not appreciate it at later stage. Like Sex Education, as parents, one needs to talk to their kids about security and privacy. You must educate yourself and your family about the importance of privacy and security.

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M Kalam
M Kalam
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