Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Reimagining Public Sector Analytics
Reimagining Public Sector Analytics


PineGap raises $2.5 million to expand engineering team in Bangalore and US

The fund raised will be used for product development efforts and to build engineering team both in Bangalore and the US. The company also plans to increase the headcount of its core engineering team.

Zscaler boosts AI team with top executives Coelho and Shabar

Zscaler has made strategic executive appointments, naming Claudionor Coelho Jr. as Chief AI Officer and Mohamed Shabar as EVP, Data & AI Platforms.

India reissues new social media laws on rights, violations

India has reissued new rules on social media companies that it proposed then abruptly withdrew last week with no proposed changes.

BYJU’S onboards top Facebook techie Majid Yazdani as new VP

Yazdani will be operating from the UK where he will be setting up a team of research scientists to work on innovative learning solutions.
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Bangladesh: E-Cab membership of 4 e-commerce firms suspended

E-Cab said in a statement on Thursday. According to the same notification, e-Cab had issued notices to 16 companies to show cause in different cases in response to complaints from consumers and vendors.

Explained: What is intelligent automation?

Intelligent automation is the combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA) that is used to create smart business processes and workflows that think, learn, and make decisions on their own.

‘AI, ML and quantum computing to cement position in 2020’

In particular, technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and data intelligence are expected to accelerate the pace of the digital economy
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Are AI and ML the next big thing in quality assurance realm?

With the application of reasoning, problem-solving along with machine learning, Artificial Intelligence in QA can be practised to assist automate and decrease the amount of mundane and arduous challenges in testing and development.

MAT 2019 result for February declared at aima.in

AIMA's MAT 2019 result for February examination has been declared at aima.in. The MAT exam result is accepted across more than 600 B-Schools in Indian for admission into MBA courses.