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HomeNewsDefenceDRDO hands over advanced chaff rocket system to Indian Navy

DRDO hands over advanced chaff rocket system to Indian Navy

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Made by DRDO, the MR-MOCR places India in a competitive position in the space of electronic warfare, enabling the Indian Navy to better protect its vessels and maintain operational superiority.

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New Delhi – The Defence Research and Development Organisation () has officially handed over the Medium Range-Microwave Obscurant Chaff Rocket (MR-MOCR) to the . This significant event took place during a ceremony in New Delhi, marking a substantial advancement in India's defence capabilities.

The MR-MOCR, developed by DRDO's Defence Laboratory in Jodhpur, employs cutting-edge Microwave Obscurant Chaff (MOC) technology. This niche technology is designed to obscure radar signals, creating a microwave shield around naval platforms and assets, thereby significantly reducing radar detection by hostile forces.

The unique fibers used in the chaff, with diameters of just a few microns, possess exceptional microwave obscuration properties. When deployed, these fibers form a cloud that effectively conceals naval assets from radar detection, providing a critical advantage in electronic warfare.

The development of the MR-MOCR involved rigorous testing phases. The Phase-I trials, conducted from Indian Navy ships, successfully demonstrated the MOC cloud's ability to persist in space and provide effective coverage. Phase-II trials focused on measuring the Radar Cross Section (RCS) reduction of an aerial target, achieving a remarkable 90% reduction, which was subsequently cleared by the Indian Navy.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh lauded the DRDO and the Indian Navy for this achievement, emphasizing its significance in India's journey towards self-reliance in defense technology. “The development of MR-MOCR is a testament to our commitment to achieving Aatmanirbharta in defense. This indigenous technology enhances our naval capabilities and strengthens our national security,” he stated.

Dr. Samir V Kamat, Secretary, Department of Defence R&D and Chairman of DRDO, handed over the MR-MOCR to Rear Admiral Brijesh Vashistha, Director General of Naval Armament Inspection. Dr. Kamat congratulated the team at Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur, for their exceptional work in developing this strategically important technology in a relatively short time frame. Rear Admiral Vashistha also commended the DRDO for its efforts, highlighting the MR-MOCR's potential to enhance the Indian Navy's operational readiness.

The MR-MOCR represents a significant leap in defense technology, providing the Indian Navy with an advanced countermeasure against modern threats. This development aligns with global trends in electronic warfare, where the ability to obscure and protect assets from radar detection is becoming increasingly crucial. According to defense experts, the use of chaff rockets as a defense mechanism is not new, but the integration of microwave obscuration properties marks a substantial innovation.

The successful development and deployment of the MR-MOCR also demonstrate India's growing expertise in developing indigenous defense technologies. This project follows a series of initiatives by DRDO to enhance India's defense capabilities, including the development of various missile systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, and electronic warfare systems. The MR-MOCR adds to this portfolio, showcasing DRDO's ability to deliver advanced technologies that meet the specific needs of the Indian Armed Forces.

Globally, similar technologies are being developed and deployed by advanced militaries. The United States, for instance, has been working on various chaff and flare systems to protect its naval and air assets. The MR-MOCR places India in a competitive position in the space of electronic warfare, enabling the Indian Navy to better protect its vessels and maintain operational superiority.

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