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HomeNewsInterviewsPDRL to certify over 10,000 drone pilots on AeroMegh for actionable insights: Vishal Joshi

PDRL to certify over 10,000 drone pilots on AeroMegh for actionable insights: Vishal Joshi

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"PDRL is at the forefront of drone technology innovation, offering its comprehensive SaaS platform, AeroMegh, to revolutionise the way drone data is captured, processed, and analysed," said Vishal Joshi, Head of Training and Certification, PDRL.

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As the home-grown drone technology industry continues to expand, transforming sectors from agriculture to logistics, the demand for sophisticated drone data solutions and skilled professionals has never been higher. , a Nashik-based leading player in this space, is addressing these needs with its innovative Software as a Service (SaaS) platform, AeroMegh, said a senior executive.

“PDRL is at the forefront of drone technology innovation, offering its comprehensive SaaS platform, AeroMegh, to revolutionise the way drone data is captured, processed, and analysed,” said Vishal Joshi, Head of Training and Certification, PDRL in an exclusive interview with He shares insights into the inception of PDRL, the transformative capabilities of AeroMegh, and the company's vision for the future of drone technology and professional training.

Edited Excerpts:

What led to the inception of PDRL and the development of your SaaS platform, AeroMegh?

PDRL, a DroneTech company, offers AeroMegh—a SaaS platform designed to transform drone data into actionable insights. AeroMegh provides an end-to-end stack for flying, capturing, processing, and analysing drone data. Its primary goal is to save time and money, ultimately creating more time for users to live their lives. PDRL was established with the vision of developing simple software solutions that simplify users' lives, allowing them to focus on the tasks that matter most.

PDRL believes that simplicity brings freedom—freedom to focus on what matters most. Simplicity in technology makes both life and business enjoyable. Therefore, PDRL is dedicated to creating simple yet powerful solutions for the drone industry, enabling users to have more time to live. While creating this social value, we aim to generate $15 billion in wealth over the next 10 years for our people, partners, and investors.

How does AeroMegh transform drone data into actionable insights, and what are its key features?

AeroMegh, our comprehensive drone SaaS solution, revolutionises drone missions by providing an integrated package for flight, data capture, processing, and analytics. AeroMegh has three key products: AeroGCS for flying and capturing data, DroneNaksha for photogrammetry solutions, and PicStork for drone data analytics. This complete technology stack offers a seamless and secure experience, transforming drone data into actionable insights efficiently.

AeroGCS is India's leading Ground Control Station (GCS) software, trusted by industry players. Engineered for reliability, precision, and safety, AeroGCS adheres to DGCA regulations and standards. With versatile editions catering to various industries, AeroGCS is your key to seamless drone flights and insights.

DroneNaksha is designed to deliver a unique drone survey and mapping experience. It is a SaaS platform offering various photogrammetry solutions. Along with orthomosaic, DroneNaksha also generates other data types like Digital Surface Model, Digital Elevation Model, and Vegetation using various photogrammetry algorithms. PicStork helps automate end-to-end aerial image analytics, from capturing images to processing the data. Users of PicStork can bring their data, train detectors, and analyse data independently, making AeroMegh a one-stop solution for all drone mission needs.

How do you foresee the role of evolving over the next decade, and what role will PDRL play in shaping that future?

PDRL aims to deliver excellent technology to future drone professionals, maximising performance outcomes. Learning and establishing skills with upgraded technology set a high standard. Our Certification of Excellence will add significant value to candidates' profiles and open doors to multiple job opportunities worldwide.

As Prime Minister stated at a drone event in May 2022, “Every person should have a smartphone, and every field should have a drone.” Our Certification Programme is a contribution to making India a global drone hub by 2030. PDRL aims to certify over 10,000 candidates on the AeroMegh Platform, providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the drone domain. Our programme contributes to the industry's growth by developing a skilled workforce capable of leveraging drone technology for various applications.

What inspired you to enter the drone industry and develop a course on Drone Technology?

The drone industry is rapidly expanding. When PDRL was founded, we identified a significant gap in the market for comprehensive education and training in drone technology. Despite the growing potential applications of drones across various sectors, there was a lack of structured courses to prepare professionals for a technology-driven future. Our passion for innovation and commitment to education drove us to develop a course that not only covers the technical aspects of drone technology but also provides practical, hands-on experience.

PDRL aims to create a larger pool of job opportunities for job seekers. As demand for drones increases across various industries, we envision greater integration of drone technology, leading to a direct need for more skilled professionals.

What distinguishes PDRL's from others in the market?

The surging demand for drones has led to increased competition and interest in the industry. While many drone pilots obtain licences, there is still a lack of knowledge in the best technology stacks. PDRL aims to address this gap by offering comprehensive learning options that cover the finest technology stacks in the drone domain. Over 50% of drone manufacturers are Type Certified with AeroGCS from the AeroMegh suite, and more than 75% of agriculture drones are licensed with AeroGCS GREEN.

Our courses, such as Solution Expert and Solution Architect, are thoughtfully designed to empower candidates to pursue rewarding careers and enhance the skills of current professionals. By mastering the best technology stack, users gain confidence and can focus on critical tasks. PDRL is proud to be the pioneering company offering such a meticulously designed course programme, catering to the growing demand for skilled professionals in the drone industry.

How do PDRL certifications enhance a professional's career prospects in the drone industry?

PDRL focuses on developing user-friendly drone technology, providing users with more time for meaningful activities. AeroMegh users and PDRL Certified Professionals will appreciate the simplicity of our technology stack, allowing them to concentrate on essential tasks and improve their efficiency. Considering the rapidly growing drone services market, there is an immediate need for thousands of AeroMegh skilled professionals in the near future.

The PDRL Certification Programme aims to certify over 10,000 candidates initially and has the potential to reach many more, contributing to skill development and job creation. Our certifications provide a competitive edge in the job market, enhancing career prospects for professionals in the drone industry.

What are the primary goals of PDRL's Certification Programme?

PDRL Certification aims to certify over 10,000 candidates, developing expertise in the most advanced drone technology, which is trusted by over 70% of industry players. This comprehensive upskilling model is designed to cater to a wide range of individuals, including drone professionals, pilots, enthusiasts, and hobbyists. By registering in the PDRL Certification Programme, candidates will gain in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience with cutting-edge drone technology. The curriculum covers essential aspects of drone flight operations, data capture techniques, processing, and analytics.

This ensures that participants are well-equipped to handle various industry-specific applications of drones, from agriculture, construction, survey and surveillance, logistics to defence, and many more. Moreover, the certification programme is structured to provide practical training and real-world scenarios, enabling learners to apply their skills effectively in their respective fields. This practical approach not only enhances their technical proficiency but also boosts their confidence in using drone technology for complex tasks.

The programme's ultimate goal is to create a robust talent pool of skilled drone operators and professionals who can meet the growing demand in the industry. As drones become increasingly integral to various sectors, the need for qualified professionals is more critical than ever.

PDRL's certification provides a competitive edge, making candidates more attractive to employers and opening up numerous career opportunities. PDRL Certification is an initiative aimed at developing a highly skilled workforce expert in advanced drone technology. It supports career growth for individuals across different levels of expertise, ensuring they remain at the forefront of this rapidly evolving industry.

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Mohd Ujaley
Mohd Ujaley
Mohd Ujaley is a New Delhi-based journalist covering the intersection of technology with government, public sector, defence, and large enterprises. With a career spanning over 14 years, Ujaley has held editorial positions at prestigious publications including The Economic Times, ETGovernment, Indian Express Group, Financial Express, Express Computer, and CRN India.
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