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HomeNewsIndustryExplained: How to get started with affiliate marketing?

Explained: How to get started with affiliate marketing?

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What Is Affiliate Marketing?

is a way for an affiliate to earn a commission for recommending services or products to visitors or readers. As an affiliate, you promote the products of other companies on your website or blog. You get paid commission from the givn company if visitors end up buying the product thanks to your efforts.

It's an inexpensive way to start earning money since you don't need any products. You just generate leads for other companies. It is important to do affiliate marketing in areas where there is a lot of value in order to earn money as an affiliate. First, we will go through some more fundamentals below.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Ever heard about a cookie? That's how affiliate marketing is tracked by companies. You enter an agreement with a company where you market their services or products. They will provide you with a link that contains a unique tracking code exclusive to you. This way visitors coming from your website or blog can be distinguished from visitors of other affiliates. You then earn money when a visitor clicks on your link and ends up buying products or services from the company.

You can do affiliate marketing through any medium as you see fit:

  • Website
  • Blog
  • App
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Digital Billboards
  • Offline

Choose What To Market

So how do you choose what products or services to market? It's a good idea to market something you use yourself, this way you already have a good amount of knowledge and it's likely something that you like. Another good thing to think about is whether or not people frequently purchase or make use of the service, it's important that there are transactions made frequently which you can earn commissions from. These two things alone are not enough, you need to check if there are good affiliate commission rates available from companies selling the products or services. Last but not least you should consider whether or not a large majority of your readers will benefit from using the products or services you are marketing on your website or blog.

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Here are some examples of profitable areas to market.

Online Casino

A good example of successful affiliate marketers are the guys over at LiveCasinoKings. In their particular case, the decision on choosing what to market came easy. They had been using the products they now market for years. When they started out playing at online casinos themselves they had to go through the obstacles of unreliable online casinos before finding the best online casinos and slot games. Today, they write about their experiences and help visitors make the right decisions and guide them in finding safe, reliable and entertaining online casinos in India.


Online dating is the norm for dating in 2020. Every other person is on a dating app trying to find their true love. Big dating apps are used by many and these apps make a lot of money with lots of microtransactions. Tinder, in particular, is the 4th highest-grossing app in India right now amongst many others, and here is where sites like DatingScout come in – advertising the different options to people who are looking to start dating online.

There's a plethora of genres and subgenres in dating you could focus on if you want to niche within the niche as an affiliate. Get an affiliate agreement and get started with writing dating advice targeted to the huge dating market.

Find Affiliate Program

The best way of finding an affiliate program is to head over the search in Google or whatever search engine you like and search, for example, “drone affiliate program”. You will get a lot of hits, go through each company's products and check their commission rates. You can sign up for more than one but the best thing is to focus on the quality fun and build quality content for your blog or website around their products.

Another way to do it is to become part of a large affiliate network where many companies are connected. Then, of course, you always have Amazon Associates where you can partner up and starting marketing all the products that are available from Amazon.

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