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HomeNewsEnterprise ITMicrosoft launches Visual Studio 2017

Microsoft launches Visual Studio 2017

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Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 is an integrated development environment (IDE), supporting developers of all types of applications, for every platform, in nearly every language

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Global technology giant has released application development capabilities in the hands of developers with the launch of Visual Studio 2017 that delivers new capabilities for developers to be more productive than ever, said Microsoft in a statement.

is positioned to be as the world's most complete integrated development environment (IDE), supporting developers of all types of applications, for every platform, in nearly every language. Since Visual Studio 2015 released, it has been installed over 21.1 million times, claimed Microsoft.

Visual Studio 2017 comes integrated with Xamarin, which makes it faster for developers to create mobile apps for Android, iOS, and Windows platforms, said tech firm.

Even as applications get larger and faster, Visual Studio 2017 features a brand-new installation experience that is lightweight and modular. Visual Studio 2017, also has new features that allow development teams to easily adopt modern DevOps practices and collaborate to react to market changes faster and continuously.

“Visual Studio 2017 delivers a great cloud and mobile development experience, boosts DevOps capabilities to drive higher levels of collaboration and productivity for developers. We already have nearly 700,000 downloads of the Visual Studio 2017 RC, the most powerful and productive version of Visual Studio yet,” said Narendra Bhandari, general manager – DX, Developer experience, Microsoft India.

Visual Studio 2017 offers many new and improved features including boosted productivity; redefined fundamentals; sreamlined cloud development; and five-star mobile development

The Microsoft Visual Studio family is growing at a rapid rate. It has seen a 25 percent increase in monthly active users of Visual Studio.

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