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HomeNewsGovTechIndia ready to lead the global tech movement: MoS Chandrasekhar

India ready to lead the global tech movement: MoS Chandrasekhar

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As India celebrates the new phenomenon of entrepreneurship, startup ecosystem of size and magnitude, ‘it is important to understand the journey that brought us here’.

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Bracing the digitisation mantra, Union minister of state for entrepreneurship, Skill Development, Electronics & Technology said the government wants India to lead the global tech movement. While speaking at the India Global Forum's annual summit, Chandrashekar said, “…we would like India to be less of just being a fuel for global tech companies, but to also lead the global tech movement.”

While noting that companies like Volvo, Uber, Intel and many others are creating an ecosystem where the talent is out there and there is a critical mass, he said, “Into that mix when you toss in the desire for entrepreneurship, along with the capital and encouragement by the government to support innovation, we will see in the next coming years a large number of India origin innovation.”

“It is the government's ambition and vision that we want more and more India origin intellectual property to come out from here. I'm very confident that it is going to be the next wave we will see,” he added.

According to the minister, as India celebrates the new phenomenon of entrepreneurship, startup ecosystem of size and magnitude, “it is important to understand the journey that brought us here.”

Pointing out that there was the concentration of capital, opportunities available to a very few percentages of Indians a decade ago, he said, but, now over the last seven years, there been a completely restructured and changed financial system where a young entrepreneur is able to take his dream, raise the capital, and build a business, not worried about big companies muscling him out.

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