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HomeNewsCyber SecurityCisco to acquire cybersecurity firm Kenna Security

Cisco to acquire cybersecurity firm Kenna Security

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Cisco has announced to acquire Kenna Security, makers of a risk-based vulnerability management platform, for an undisclosed sum

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will acquire a privately held cybersecurity for an undisclosed amount. The Santa Clara, California based Kenna Security firm provides solutions for vulnerability management.

With this acquisition, will be combining threat and risk-based vulnerability management as part of the SecureX platform, expanding the platform experience and enabling comprehensive scorecards for security controls and threat response performance said the company.

“Our goal is to unify all critical control points into a single platform. With the addition of Kenna Security, we will fundamentally strengthen our platform experience by giving customers the ability to prioritize vulnerabilities based on a robust risk methodology that is tuned to their unique needs,” stated Jeetu Patel, senior vice president and general manager, Cisco Security and Collaboration.

Cisco SecureX is a cloud-native platform that delivers a unified view of customers' environments, so they no longer must jump between multiple dashboards, manage conflicting alerts or policies.

“As malicious actors continue to evolve their methods, we need to make it easier than ever for customers to predict, detect, prioritize and respond to the security threats that matter. The breadth and scale of Cisco coupled with Kenna Security's mastery of machine-learning and data science will reshape how the entire industry addresses cyber risk,” said , CEO of Kenna Security.

This is the third acquisition by Cisco this week. The company announced its intent to acquire Sedona Systems and Socio Labs earlier this week but did not disclose financial details.

The acquisition is expected to close in Cisco's fourth quarter of fiscal 2021.

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