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HomeNewsIndustryNXP appoints Kurt Sievers as President to oversee all businesses

NXP appoints Kurt Sievers as President to oversee all businesses

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NXP Semiconductors said that current executive vice president & general manager for automotive business Kurt Sievers has been promoted as the president of NXP Semiconductors.

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Semiconductors said that current executive vice president & general manager for automotive business has been promoted as the president of NXP Semiconductors. Now, Kurt Sievers will oversee all of NXP's business lines. The incumbent Ruediger Stroh will move from the company on September 30, 2018, after a nine-year career during which he served as executive vice-president and general manager of NXP's security & connectivity business.

Rick Clemmer, chief executive officer of NXP asserted, “This new structure follows the natural evolution of our strategy, as we strengthen our focus on secure connected devices through the automotive and industrial & IoT businesses while also participating in the mobile and communications infrastructure markets.”

“As technological change accelerates, all our focus verticals require edge to node platforms and solutions that facilitate data analytics, machine learning and advanced services. By simplifying our organization, we will be better able to fully leverage our scale, facilitate cross-company collaboration and reduce overhead, all of which will help us unlock the full profitable growth potential of our business,” Rick added.

“This is an exciting time to lead our business to broader leadership for Secure Connections for the Smarter World,” said Kurt Sievers. “Our scalable embedded & analog solutions make it easy for our customers to innovate, while we master the underlying complexity and ensure scalability, functional safety and security,” he added. “I am energized by our positive customer feedback and employee engagement and I look forward to make NXP the benchmark of value creation for all our stakeholders.”

“On behalf NXP's board of directors, I want to thank Rudy for the passion, energy and vision he brought to the company, and wish him all the best in the future,” said Rick. “Under his talented leadership, NXP brought mobile wallets into the hands of billions of consumers, created security solutions for billions of payment and identity credentials and developed the broadest portfolio of fit-for-purpose IoT & security solutions that pave the way for revolutionary machine learning inferencing in edge computing. I believe the company is well positioned to build on Rudy's record of success and continue to deliver solid results. To ensure the success of this change, Rudy will be working closely with Kurt and me during a transition period.”

Jennifer Wuamett, deputy general counsel and chief IP officer, will succeed Guido Dierick as executive vice president and general counsel of NXP Semiconductors. Guido Dierick retires as general counsel but remains country manager of NXP Semiconductors Netherlands.

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