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HomeNewsBFSICloud-delivered security stack can strengthen BFSI sector security and customer experience

Cloud-delivered security stack can strengthen BFSI sector security and customer experience

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Tech Observer Magazine in association with Citrix and Orient Technologies organised a special virtual Bootcamp focused on 'Reimagining Security and Customer Experience for BFSI.'

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With the aim to understand the growing importance of customer experience and balancing cyber security for the industry, Tech Observer Magazine in association with technology giants and organised a special virtual Bootcamp.

Themed on — Reimagining Security and Customer Experience for BFSI — the programme drew industry experts, top BFSI leaders and witnessed the participation of over 100 senior stakeholders from banking and financial institutions.

Most of the speakers who participated were of the view that the ongoing pandemic has accelerated the digital transformations agenda of enterprises of all sizes and for the BFSI industry, this has further advanced for ensuring customer experiences and enabling access to applications using direct internet access (DIA) without compromising on performance while protecting every user, including remote and mobile users, against all threats.

Delivering his expert presentation on the topic of Secure Internet Access for BFSI, Thejo Murthy T, Systems Engineering Leader, Enterprise, Citrix India emphasised that the changing working world raised new questions about how CIOs and CISOs are looking at IT security.

He said; “Within the company, they can deploy firewalls, filter web contents and check data streams for malware, but when employees are working from home via their private WLAN, they may no longer have any control over Internet traffic.”

He explained that BFSI leaders need to strengthen protection measures and look for solutions that offer a full cloud-delivered security stack with global reach, so that they can protect all users, in any location, for every application—without the complexities and expense of data centre-based security.

The programme also witnessed a powerful panel discussion on the topic of Reimagining Security and Customer Experience for BFSI in New Normal in which senior BFSI leaders including Deodutta Kurane, Digital HR Evangelist and Ex-CHRO, Yes Bank; Bhushan Hatkar, Chief Manager IT, SBI Mutual Fund; Ashish Yadav, Senior Manager – Cyber Security, Indian Bank; Raghava Rachuri, Ex-CISO, SIDBI; Ashwini Rao Sales Leader BFSI, PSU, and Govt, Citrix India; Savio Dcosta, Deputy General Manager, Orient Technologies participated.

The speaker shared their views as to how they are balancing the need to enhance customer experience while also ensuring enterprise graded security at a time when people are working from home. In their remarks, Ashwini Rao of Citrix India and Savio Dcosta from Orient Technologies explained the challenges faced by many industries during the pandemic and why delivering secure access to web and SaaS applications from any device and anywhere has become critical for raising customer experience and productivity.

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