Thursday, May 16, 2024
Reimagining Public Sector Analytics
Reimagining Public Sector Analytics

SEARCHED FOR: API publishers

Postman API Network launched for developers: Here’s how it will help

Postman’s API Network helps to solve that problem with a current, continuously updated and executable description of each included API.

‘The Open Web’ is really ‘The Google Web’: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella

In his testimony, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella emphasised Google's online dominance, noting it's more "Google web" than open web. He said Google's strong influence over publishers, pushing them to tailor content to its search criteria.

Google to plug all ads that dismiss, condone Russia-Ukraine war

Google, whose advertising software helps publishers generate revenue, bars ads from appearing next to content that incites violence and denies tragic events.

iOS 14.5 impact on mobile advertising: Digital marketing world is making peace with it

While the iOS 14.5 update has had a significant impact on the way developers and marketers’ approach mobile advertising, the results in terms of consent rate opt-ins, SKAdNetwork accuracy and adoption and ad revenue are encouraging.
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Digital Bangladesh must eliminate policy gaps on trade in digital services

The keynote presentation at the dialogue was made by MD Kamruzzaman, a former Senior Research Associate of CPD.

Ad-blockers effect: Advertising groups vow to stop using annoying online ads

A broad coalition of advertising trade groups, ad buyers and sellers from Western Europe and the United States have urged the industry to stop using annoying online marketing formats that have fuelled the rapid rise of ad-blockers