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HomeEnterprise ITArtificial IntelligenceGeM banks on AI to revamp public procurement and enhance user experience

GeM banks on AI to revamp public procurement and enhance user experience

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"By leveraging AI for data analysis, GeM aims to streamline operations and enhance efficiency, setting a new standard for digital government services," said GeM CTO Dr. Pankaj Dikshit.

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As artificial intelligence () promises to reshape industries, traditional government organisations are also exploring the potential of this emerging technology for citizen engagement, public service delivery, and improving operational efficiency.

Government eMarketplace (GeM), a government-owned national-level public procurement portal launched in August 2016 with the promise of becoming the Amazon and Flipkart of the government's world, has accelerated its focus on harnessing AI technology to revolutionise public procurement in India, said a senior technology leader.

“A significant focus of GeM's AI strategy is the deployment of an AI-based chatbot. We are preparing to launch a beta version of our , designed to handle user queries with precision and relevance,” GeM's chief technology officer () Dr. Pankaj Dikshit said.

This chatbot is engineered to process only pertinent data, thereby preventing common issues like generating irrelevant or incorrect responses. “By bounding the data, we ensure that the chatbot provides accurate answers to GeM-specific queries,” he added.

According to Dr. Dikshit, who has been the CTO at GeM for over a year and previously led technology for the Goods and Services Tax Network (), the initiative aims to enhance the user experience by providing instant, reliable information, reducing the need for human intervention in routine inquiries.

While discussing conversational business intelligence for real-time insights, he highlighted the integration of conversational BI tools using AWS's Quicksight. According to him, this innovative approach allows users to interact with BI systems through natural language queries. “Imagine asking for last month's sales data or current inventory status and receiving visualised, actionable insights instantly,” he explained.

Dr. Dikshit stressed that these tech-led development promises to democratise data access within GeM, enabling faster and more informed decision-making. “By leveraging AI for data analysis, GeM aims to streamline operations and enhance efficiency, setting a new standard for digital government services,” he said.

Looking ahead, Dr. Dikshit envisions a future where AI powers the entire helpdesk function at GeM. This system would incorporate voice interfaces and image recognition, allowing users to interact seamlessly with support services. “Users will be able to speak to the system, receive ticket statuses, and even upload screenshots of issues for faster resolution,” he said.

This ambitious plan aims to replace traditional helpdesk operations with an AI-driven solution, significantly improving response times and service quality. While acknowledging the potential impact of AI on employment, Dr. Dikshit emphasised the inevitability of AI advancements. “AI is the future, much like how IT transformed industries two decades ago,” he said.

GeM's digital transformation is underscored by its impressive growth metrics and robust technology stack. The platform utilises a variety of advanced technologies, including cloud computing, machine learning algorithms, and blockchain for transparency and security. GeM's integration with platforms like AWS Quicksight for BI and various AI tools underscores its commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology to enhance public procurement processes, said Dr. Dikshit.

In August last year, GeM partnered with to revamp and redesign their platform, leveraging new technologies while maintaining the existing system.

In the current fiscal year, GeM achieved a Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) of Rs 4 lakh crore, doubling its GMV from the previous year. According to public procurement specialists, this growth reflects the platform's enhanced digital capabilities and its role in driving transparency and efficiency in public procurement.

Central entities have contributed to 82% of the current GMV, with states like Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, and Maharashtra showing significant increases in their procurement activities.

Dr. Dikshit said that as digital transformation accelerates, cybersecurity remains a critical focus. Recent cyberattacks on government infrastructure highlight the need for robust security measures.

“GeM is investing in advanced cybersecurity frameworks to protect sensitive data and ensure the integrity of its operations. This includes employing AI and machine learning to monitor and mitigate potential threats, thus maintaining public trust in digital government services,” he said.

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Mohd Ujaley
Mohd Ujaley
Mohd Ujaley is a New Delhi-based journalist covering the intersection of technology with government, public sector, defence, and large enterprises. With a career spanning over 14 years, Ujaley has held editorial positions at prestigious publications including The Economic Times, ETGovernment, Indian Express Group, Financial Express, Express Computer, and CRN India.
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