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NIWeek 2019: NI releases LabVIEW 2019 and LabVIEW NXG

The newest version of LabVIEW NXG simplifies the time-consuming tasks in automated test and automated measurement applications. (Photo: Agency)

Automated test and measurement solution provider National Instruments (NI) has released and . The latest release of LabVIEW 2019 increases developer productivity through improved visibility in the IDE, powerful enhancements in debugging, and new datatypes to the G-language.

Additionally, LabVIEW 2019 addresses a critical pain point for engineers: managing dependencies and versioning with fragmented, non-standardized methods, which perpetuate as challenges in code deployment. With the new distribution option of package installers in LabVIEW 2019, users can now implement a standardized distribution method with inherent version management and automatic dependency management to confidently replicate and share system software.

The newest version of LabVIEW NXG simplifies the most time-consuming tasks in automated test and automated measurement applications, from deploying and distributing code faster than before, importing and exporting MATLAB data (. mat) for improved interoperability with third-party software, and additional capabilities added to Web VIs to give users better interaction and control with their applications.

These enhancements help engineers meet challenging time-to-market requirements by reducing time-intensive set-up through rapid connectivity to instrumentation, removing integration bottlenecks that traditionally arise in bringing in 3rd party IP through native interoperability with other programming languages and toolkits, and increasing access to important data by lowering the barrier of entry to web technology.

“Using WebVIs allows us to provide our users an interface to the test management database from anywhere, anytime, and we were able to develop the web interfaces using just our core LabVIEW skills. We saved development time and the users have instant access to review data or change test criteria,” said Jeremy Marquis, Engineering Team Leader at G Systems, Inc.

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