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Home News Cyber Security Explained: The evolving nature of cybersecurity threats

Explained: The evolving nature of cybersecurity threats

Concerns such as hacking and the presence of computer viruses have existed for decades in one form or another. As technology evolved over the years, so did the cybersecurity  threats themselves. (Photo: Agency)

Concerns such as hacking and the presence of computer viruses have existed for decades in one form or another. As technology evolved over the years, so did the   threats themselves. We have now entered into a brave (and somewhat dangerous) new world due to the presence of wireless communications.

Data can be sent and received within nanoseconds. The emergence of 5G transmission rates will likewise help to ensure even more streamlined networking in the future. Although this is great news for the average user, the potential threats associated with such advancements will also need to be taken very seriously. So, what do the industry experts have to say? Are some risks more likely to evolve than others? These questions warrant detailed answers.

The Risks Associated with Cloud Data Storage

Cloud storage solutions are now beginning to replace traditional in-house methods, and for good reason. Cloud storage provides a redundant edge in the event that data becomes lost, stolen or corrupted. Such digital systems can also be accessed by anyone with the appropriate authorisation; dramatically streamlining communications while enhancing accountability. This is why portals such as comeon betting and countless others tend to prefer cloud-based systems.

However, this technology can also be risky if the correct security protocols are not put in place. Cloud storage systems with weak firewalls may suffer significant data breaches. Personal details can be obtained. Existing information may be corrupted or otherwise rendered unreadable. These are some of the reasons why businesses should always work with well-known cloud storage providers in order to avoid the situations mentioned above.

The Internet of Things

Our lives have become increasingly dependent upon the presence of digital technology. Here are some common and well-known examples:

  • Wearable devices such as fitness trackers.
  • Smartphones, phablets and laptops.
  • Smart home systems such as wireless security networks.
  • The ability to connect personal devices to a workplace server.

Although such advancements are indeed convenient, the Internet of Things () poses its own set of risks. We are once again referring to potential data breaches. In the event that a device is lost or stolen, there is always the chance that proprietary information may be accessed. Furthermore, employees could unwittingly access data that should have remained hidden. In terms of smart home systems, we have already witnessed instances of camera hacking and identity theft. Once again, these and similar situations should never be taken lightly.

What solutions are available? This primarily depends upon the threat in question. It is first necessary to identify any potential risks. The appropriate actions can thereafter be taken. Some common options include the use of a robust anti-virus platform, the presence of robust firewalls and multi-factor authentication in order to prevent unauthorised access to a specific system or database.

There is no doubt that the number of digital threats continues to increase. This is why both small and large organisations need to take the appropriate steps well in advance so that more serious damage can be avoided.

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